شركة “المراكب ” تكشف عن تقنياتها المتطورة خلال نافدكس 2019

أبوظبي في 17 فبراير/وام/ كشفت “المراكب لصناعة القوارب” -الشركة الإماراتية الرائدة في مجال إنتاج القوارب عالية الأداء وتوفير أنظمة القيادة الذاتية -عن أحدث تقنياتها في مجال القوارب من دون سائق خلال مشاركتها في فعاليات معرض الدفاع البحري ’نافدكس 2019 .

و تعرض الشركة بالتعاون مع عدد من أبرز اللاعبين في القطاعأفضل ابتكاراتها ضمن جناحها في المعرض ..كما تنظم عدداً من العروض الحية تستعرض من خلالها أبرز منتجاتها وعلى رأسها قارب/ AHM13USV /ذاتي القيادة والمسلح ويبلغ طوله 13 مترا ويمثل هذا القارب أحد المنتجات التي جاءت ثمرة للتعاون طويل الأمد مع شركة ’الحارب مارين‘ الإماراتية المتخصصة بتصنيع القوارب.

وتضم حاوية الشحن البحري المعروضة ضمن جناح “المراكب” محطة للقيادة والتحكم بهدف تشغيل القارب داخل مرسى غنتوت الذي يبعد 70 كيلومتراً عن “مركز أبوظبي الوطني للمعارض” ويتم التحكم بالقارب عن بعد عبر محطة القيادة والتحكم من طراز/ C2-20 /وذلك باستخدام تقنية/ MAP Pro /الخاصة بأنظمة التحكم الذاتية.

واوضح نور السيد مدير العمليات لدى “المراكب لصناعة القوارب” ان الشركة تسلط في معرض “نافدكس” الضوء على أهمية التعاون مع المؤسسات والشركات الرائدة في قطاع الدفاع لدمج التقنيات التي تسهم في تعزيز الحضور العالمي لدولة الإمارات في مجال تقنيات القيادة الذاتية.

وخلال مشاركتها في فعاليات “نافدكس” الشركة قاربها الجديد من طراز/AHM11USV /البالغ طوله 11 متراً وذلك للمرة الأولى منذ تصنيعه ويتكون هذاالقارب من الهيكل وأنظمة الدفع إلى جانب نظام/ MAP Pro /للقيادة الذاتية والحاصل على براءة اختراع فضلاً عن منصة لإطلاق الصواريخ من طراز/ MILAS /والتي طورتها شركة أي جي جي اسيلسان وتم تطوير منظومة/ MILAS /الصاروخية متعددة المهام للدفاع ضد التهديدات البحرية والجوية وهي إحدى الحلول المصممة خصيصاً للسفن والمنصات البحرية مثل الزوارق الحربية السريعة وقوارب خفر السواحل.

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Al Marakeb reveals Armed Live Demonstrations of Cutting-Edge Autonomous Vessel Technologies at NAVDEX 2019

Al Marakeb Boat Manufacturing Company, a leading UAE based maritime company building high-performance vessels and Autonomous Systems Providers; is displaying its latest in USV technologies at the NAVDEX 2019 taking place from the 17thto the 21st of February at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC). In accordance with the Abu Dhabi Vision 2030 focused towards strengthening the economy and the defense sector, the company, working in partnership with key industry players is exhibiting state of the art innovations at its stand (B-038).

Al Marakeb is hosting a live demonstration of AHM13USV, an armed 13m USV, a byproduct of a recent collaboration with long standing Emirati boat builder Al Hareb Marine for visitors to experience maritime technology first hand. The shipping container on display at Al Marakeb’s stand hosts a Command and Control station to operate the 13 m vessel situated at Ghantoot 70 km away of ADNEC. The vessel is being remotely controlled by the C2-20 Command & Control Station at NAVDEX using MAP Pro Autonomous Technology. For the live demonstration, the MAP Pro system relays engine diagnostics, route management, a live camera feed, a radar screens and an obstacle warning alarm in real-time. However, most notably, the system showcases live operation of the STAMP gun that is mounted on the vessel, and is provided through an ongoing alliance with IGG ASELSAN and Al Marakeb on several opportunities to date.

“Al Marakeb’s participation at this year’s NAVDEX serves to demonstrate the true power of working together with leading forces to combine technologies that ultimately place the UAE in the global arena for Unmanned Technologies. Our display at NAVDEX is a prime example of our company’s innovative culture which thrives on excellence and diversity. Collaborating with key industry players reflects our vision to upgrade defense technology and highlights our efforts towards implementing latest innovations in the USV market.” said Nour Al Sayyed, Chief Operating Officer, Al Marakeb.

The company also presents the AHM11USV, a new 11m addition to its fleet, making a debut at NAVDEX. The USV is comprised of the boat and propulsion system, the patented MAP Pro autonomous conversion kit and the rocket launcher-MILAS by IGG Aselsan.

TheLMM Missile Launching System (MILAS) developed for defense against surface and aerial threats; is a customized solution for different naval platforms such as fast interceptor crafts, patrol boats and corvettes.

Research shows defense related projects account for an estimated 60% of overall activity in the Middle East, with naval systems, surveillance radars and communications being of high importance. Thus, the defense market is pivotal to the region’s future economic success. Displaying a decade of expertise, Al Marakeb has shown remarkable growth in the sector serving clients both regionally and internationally with its global reach.

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Al Marakeb Boat Company launches first locally made dual-use USV model

The UAE-based Al Marakeb Boat Manufacturing Company has revealed the launch of its latest offering, the B7X. The new model, which can be utilised for both manned and unmanned operations, is also being dubbed as the world’s first ever mass produced dual-use USV being made available for commercial purposes.

The B7X, along with Al Marakeb’s other models, are all manufactured, assembled, integrated and tested in the UAE. The B7X can be used for a wide variety of potential defence and civil applications, including vessel monitoring, law enforcement, automated commercial transportation, search and rescue and surveillance, among others.

The new USV model comes equipped with a MAP Pro conversion kit, a technology that is created by MAP Marine Technologies (MAP-Tech), a leading local maritime autonomy experts and a subsidiary of Al Marakeb, which converts regular manned vessels to unmanned models, allowing the boat to be driven as a regular vessel or be operated remotely from a ground control station. The B7X is highly capable of autonomous mission execution and also features a collision avoidance alert system that utilises radar, AIS and EO/IR situational awareness feedback. The boat can also be monitored and controlled from across various points in the globe through the MAP global network and can perform for 48 hours straight before refueling.

“As an Emirati company, Al Marakeb is proud to be a key player in the efforts to consolidate the UAE’s position as a global maritime hub. The launch of the B7X further demonstrates the country’s commitment to become a leading proponent of unmanned technologies,” said Nour Al Sayyed, Director of Operations at Al Marakeb. “This pioneering USV unit reflects our strong attention to technology, craftmanship and service, while also looking to meet what our customer’s want, especially through safety, quality, cost and delivery. Aside from the B7X, Al Marakeb actively seeks to becoming a lead player in the UAE’s pursuit in the successful integration of autonomous technologies across the emirates, whether on land, air or at sea, giving importance to the unified effort to achieve the goals and objectives set forth in UAE Vision 2021.”

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